Friday, January 7, 2011

Rudy Giuliani wants to run for President lucky the people do not seem to know about Maximus, CityTime SAIC, and his affair which a much younger subordinate he gave raise after raise the biggest when he dumped her for a much older mistress Judi Lane

Reminder: Rudy brought us CityTime and brought in SAIC which may turn out to be one the biggest White Collar crimes in NYC gov history plus a massive tax payer waste.  Before that he stopped the City from using AutoTime which was created by City Workers and worked and got outside consultants just like CityTime but Maximus lost just half a billion I believe. Why did he do this because hand washing goal White House.  He had an affair with a much younger subordinate and gave her raise after raise giving her the biggest when he dumped her for his newest mistress Judi Lane.  He made the tax payers pay for way too much.

You have to give Rudy credit -- he parlayed his service in nyc gov in to 31 million dollars in earnings!

There is so much more to write about re: Rudy and his unusual relationships including Bernie Kerik now in jail.

I kept writing about Rudy and Mike shoving SAIC on NYC gov.   Why?  They have their eyes on The White House.  

I asked who is SAIC's pimp and one name that came up was Mike Bloomberg but here is another, Peter Powers.  Wow nyc gov is some spring board isn't it for making big bucks after serving the people of New York!

If you want to read some interesting bits about Rudy and his young mistress who had her eye on someone much younger and better looking who she used to jump on and wrap her arms and legs around in front of Rudy...Rudy had him NYPD Confidential.   I have a very long book review on it posted on Amazon.