Friday, January 7, 2011

Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn Scott Stringer are NO Leaders the people of NY can't afford them

t took Bloomberg' Blizzard of 2010 to wake people up and deaths. How many deaths were there in Bloomberg's reckless Tsunami of community crushing development? Too many. We couldn't get city council or Con Ed to demand Mike slow down and put safety first. It was the worst construction in NYC history and on old NY's infrastructure. He stole a 3rd term w/Christine Quinn's help using slush & intimidation and the great lie he would help us w/the economy. Mike & Quinn only helped their friends & Quinn & Stringer are aggressively fund raising and they are not leaders either. CityTime will go down in NYC gov as one of the biggest White Collar Crimes ever. Rudy pushed CityTime and SAIC than Mike took over. Why? Rudy Mike - SAIC = eyes on the White House but they made the people of NY pay too big a price. We had AutoTime, it worked and NYC gov owned AutoTime as well as created it. FYI Mike's BF Steve Rattner, his money mgr. pay to play NY Pensions. Mike is no leader.

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