Friday, October 31, 2014

#NYPD chief Banks Had Two Words for KKK Ray Kelly and Broken Windows Bratton "Yes Sir"

#NYPD chief Banks Had Two Words for KKK Ray Kelly and Broken Windows Bratton "Yes Sir"

Chief Banks was KKK Ray's yes man and also Banks' office made the call to arrest Eric Garner. Ask yourself under Bratton how many Black teens arrested, how many Black Men died while being arrested....I fear de Blasio and his wife making another HUGE mistake if they go with Banks.  Banks has made Pineiro and Bratton look bad but Banks still looks bad if you look at his yes man role for KKK Ray and Bratton up until now!  I am already finding searches checking out Scott Stringer for mayor and there is NO WAY I am voting for Scott Stringer but unless de Blasio does something about my case I guarantee I won't be voting for de Blasio and if he puts Banks in to continue KKK Ray's policies no thank you.  Banks said nothing bout Bratton's broken windows accept yes sir.