Thursday, November 30, 2017

NYPD PC James O'Neill Confronted on Misogynist Cunt Threat he acted on I allege by Joe Tacopina!

See NYPD James O’Neill confronted on Cunt Threat I allege Joe Tacopina; he smiled? 
He is a lot warmer than his misogynist front line NYPD women in his office that hang up the phone on victims of sexual assault and NYPD coercion with CO lowering crime by breaking laws.....    James O'Neill has the rudest most unprofessional NYPD women in his office the worse like the corrupt NYPD woman detective that hung up on me at the First Precinct.

Just because they are women doesn't mean they are not party to misogynist crimes as my audios posted on YouTube prove from the under PC O'Neill/ Chief Boyce Sex Crimes Unit horrible detective violates protocols  and  under Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi IA Sgt Mary O'Donnell refuses evidence and uses Ron Kuby's letter to pretend no crimes from the MD's to the First Precinct to Internal Affairs.     Zachary Carter still using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend no crimes and I alerted the First Division all these years the city with held my attacker Delita Hooks signed letter openly threatening me again and I allege Joe Tacopina ghost wrote the letter Delita Hooks signed written to Det Andrew Dwyer that Lt Burgos signed off on.   DI Ed Winski in the loop making all crimes vanish and he got promoted.

Under Winski hear NYPD PO Magori or Migori a corrupt woman cop who you can hear on audio lie to me telling me I cannot report my attacker's false cross complaint because I am not a detective or from the DA a FLAT out LIE and sgt Chen violates protocol refusing to come down to date he is one  of many of a gang who's face I don't know because they hid like KKK and no badge numbers because they all refused to meet me hear Sgt Chen refuse to meet me and I call DI Winski who clearly was party to all crimes and got promoted typical for misogynist NYPD.

Years Ray Kelly, Bratton and now O'Neill 3 misogynist NYPD PC's and their chief involved GUILTY  they knew about my case and how many others?

Judge Weinstein Hero I confront NYPD Byrne Perjury!!!!!  You have to read the NYDN article on Byrne trying to pretend NYPD perjury is no big deal but it is -- we can be kidnapped, drugs planted on us and Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit from 8 years ago example!
Is this assistant deputy commissioner Byrne party to NYPD involved CUNT threat I allege by Joe Tacopina as Bob Dobalina a fake youtube account threatened me during an open investigation and ONLINE so I BELIEVE that COULD BE A FEDERAL CRIME AS WELL?  NYPD Internal Affairs treating me like a RAPE victim I got what I deserved they’re using Ron Kuby’s letter to pretend there no crimes when there’s a pile up from the doctors office to the police department FIRST PRECINCT TO 1PP and Internal Affairs.

Day 2 Al Rokers Refused to learn about my protest - I even told Al that it involves a lawyer that brags about getting an Abner Louima cop off. He didn’t care!!!

No press Confront NYPD PC O’Neill about giving NYPD Capt Pete rose the promotion because I allege he shares Pete’s mentality about women my case is proof enough for me I want him, Bratton, Campisi, Reznick, Boyce, Pulaski, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon to answer questions under oath my case and all NYPD. 
Look at the woman detective expression they have my new cards which demands an apology wall as well as Justice I want Apology Walls was in front of the DAs office is in the police precincts, NYPD app tracker report crimes see NYPD Internal Affairs and DAs won’t let you like their crimes plus a permanent new commission into NYPD Internal Affairs DA and corporate counsel corruption

Police  Commissioner james O Neill  was polite but in his office the women NYPD officers I spoke with are the most abusive and rude so it’s a surprise he behaves himself in public but I guess he has to

Part 2 James O’Neill his detective violates Handschu, Lies?

This woman detective like Cy Vance's detective does not know about
the Handschu agreement and violating it I have video outside the
Manhattan DA as well.

Part 1 Prep to protest NYPD PC James O’Neill

On my channel you can find dirty DA Cy Vance detective violates Handschu also 
 This woman did not seem to know about the agreement and how they’re not allowed to take photographs And I think the woman detective lied to me

Part 5 Mutual of America James O’Neill no PAL remodel ditto Bratton and Ray Kelly.  Questions I’m under oath about my case, Eric garner’s hand written law suit under Ray Kelly and a lot more. I used to donate to PAL but Ray Kelly, Bratton and O'Neill decided to teach me a lesson and I don't think it worked out the way they and their pals at the First precinct starting with NYPD PO Eugene Schatz, Det Tommy Moran, DI Ed Winski, Lt Angelo Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Andy Dwyer and his partner and Detective John Vergona and his partner planned when the broke laws or were party to breaking laws lying in police reports, coercing me using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend no crimes including my attacker' Delita Hooks response openly threatened me again in a signed letter to Det Andrew Dwyer.

Ask Cy Vance and NYPD Chief Boyce how they made sure no Harvey Weinstein victims would ever be arrested.

Part3 See and hear me confront James O'Neill about my case and the woman detective has my 2 Justice Cards that tell my story and demand Justice for all victims even NYPD DA apology wall, NYPD app Tracker report crimes the NYPD IA DA and Zachary Carter either won't let you or are complicit protecting!  I call for a permanent new commission in to NYPD Internal Affairs DA corp counsel corruption.
I bumped on to a  political figure who said the People should vote for Police commissioner and for City council speaker.

Sex Crime Victims (Special Victims) Detective violates protocol refuses to give me badge numbers
like the First Precinct Det squad supervisors that participated in coercion and lying in police reports, and top cops NYPD IA that I also asked for badge numbers starting with Ray Kelly, Chief Esposito, Chief Charles Campisi...

the detective also REFUSED to take a message asking her supervisor to call me back and this is under NYPD PC O'Neill and Chief Boyce!

voice dictated ptsd insomnia
please excuse terrible typos sent 
from my iPhone

Friday, November 24, 2017

PC James O’Neill Protects Misogyny Threats Intimidation NYPD Rape Detectives, My Case, many others?

NYPD PC James O’Neill, Reznick, Boyce Protect Bullying Intimidation Lies NYPD Det Kidnap Teen Rape her,  Gang Of NYPD Bully Intimidated her like My Case IA Involved 0 Arrests Bully NYPD IA  

NYPD James O’Neill, Reznick Boyce, NYPD Detectives Kidnapped Teen Raped Teen Used Gangs of NYPD To Intimidate Teen Victim like My Case Gangs of Cops Including Internal Affairs Intimidation Cover-up Are Also Crimes!!!! 
Any of the cops That showed up at the hospital to intimidate a teenager a victim of corrupt NYPD detectives have they been arrested know they’ve been protected like my case and how many other victims!!!!

Misogyny starting with James O’Neill And his predecessors knows no bounds;  no limits which is why Joe Tacopina now has not been arrested in my case and a gang of NYPD that the NY Post reports showed up at the hospital where the team victim was read the article below they haven’t been arrested of course not internal affairs protects crimes to such an extreme they become accessories!!!

Updates 1:30 am Nov 25The NY Post forces NYPD to look in to intimidation NYPD trying to get 18 year old to drop charges mislead her — intimidation my case over the phone verbal violence threat, my attacker’s signed letter to NYPD Det Andy Dwyer It’s a brief letter for what it actually means she recognizes she committed second-degree assault and I could come back and file second-degree assault charges and she threatens me and top brass have protected this including Zachary Carter the head lawyer for corporate counsel because I’m a critic of the oligarchs of New York and he panders to them along with corrupt Top Brass NYPD who are owned like cheap candy and misogynist so it’s more important to protect crimes then have integrity and respect the law and the Constitution. 

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@SDNYnews Preet Bharara and his protege look the other way NYPD IA fixing crimes at their doorstep because if you did your job NYU wouldn’t hire you. Your protege #GOT Game of Thrones Winter coming like a cruel joke In your face NYPD Crimes NYC…

NYPD Quote to NYDN On Teen Rape Victim Sums of NYPD PC O’Neill his Pete Rose Attitude Towards Rape FYI NYPD IA Acted on Misogynist Threat to Turn Table On Me Do The Math!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Wow The New York Post reporting on NYPD rape detectives forced James O’Neill, Boyce and Reznick to stop their “Pete Rose” attitude towards women and rape at least for 5 minutes to pretend they are investigating intimidation which NYPD regularly fix crime… update NYDN inside NYPD lie as usual — The NYPD appear to be pathological liars like serial killers except some serial killers don’t lie because they’re so proud of what they’re doing.  

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@DOINews @NYPDnews Mark Peters spoke to me over the phone via his secretary and he referred me to Internal Affairs re 911 tech corruption NYPD lavish gifts contractors over billing makes dollars and sense why no arrests 912 and my case 0 arrests.
In my case from a doctors office to the police department they’re lying they have no shame no morals no decency and I have the evidence to prove it but I don’t have Justice make so many other victims these people have no shame I don’t know how they go home and face your families remember I had a woman who is a personal trainer and her father was very senior and she told me her family spelled with NYPD in there just bad people and she was ashamed of them.  When she told me that I was just shocked I couldn’t believe it but it’s clearly the truth and I guess that’s how the families live just like my attacker they know she is a violent liar with a history of blaming  everyone but yourself and they’re not the kind of family that would come forward and apologize and turn her in same with NYPD Internal Affairs.  

The fix is in.   Look James O’Neill promoting Pete rose after his remarks about rape come on do you do math?

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Excruciating pain left shoulder and neck from attack. US Preet Bharara blind eye in your face crimes by NYPD IA fixing favors for rich Like my Case because he wanted a job at NYU/politics, his replacement cares more about Game of Thrones than NYPD IA chronic breaking laws sick

The MRI for my left shoulder says there’s a hole in my supraspinatus there is tearing  there’s I’m feeling so much pain in the anterior part of my right deltoid.  Maybe I was sleeping on it tossing and turning because it’s so disturbing to be a victim of violence and lies from a doctors office to a police department I should’ve been safe but because of this blog because I dared speak up I was treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany I believe everyone involved everyone the car off on it of sick twisted people will get theirs that they’re disgusting people and Karma will get them one way or another that gives me some consolation

There are 2 searches on my blog involving how has Michael Bloomberg stayed below the radar sexual harassment? 

The only way to get NYPD Internal Affairs to even pretend to do their jobs b is the media And when it comes to NYPD Internal Affairs crimes the media is like the media the Oscar winning film Spotlight killing new stories like a serial killer.  The NYPD IA run like Catholic Church Covering up crimes and using the same mentality oh they do so much good you have to ignore when they commit crimes!    

The NYPD control press passes so do the math. 

The press has  used my work and tips.  Guess  which press person has admitted I was the source in a whistleblowing lawsuit involving the city and CityTime yet he won’t report what was done to me.

voice dictated ptsd insomnia
please excuse terrible typos sent 
from my iPhone

James O’Neill, Corrupt Boyce Can’t Cover-up for Rape Detectives Anymore v My Case Still Protecting NYPD IA Crimes My Case!

 I was threatened and intimidated along with how many other victims and then all the crimes including NYPD and internal affairs  crimes all disappear.

Read the NY Post article about teen. My case Joe Tacopina  I am allege broke the law misogyny threats intimidation online using a sock puppet serious  crime but the misogynist NYPD acted on the threat  to turn the tables on me and so did internal affairs  and where the arrests?  O’Neill Reznick Going to rest all the NYPD that showed up at the hospital to intimidate the teenager know they cover up crimes they protect bullying and threatening victims trashing us and lying about us joining in the perps it’s a horrific culture of misogyny and crime of prejudice of all kinds

Cops tried to intimidate rape accuser out of pressing charges: lawyer

“A group of NYPD cops showed up at the hospital where an 18-year-old woman was seeking treatment after allegedly being raped by two Brooklyn detectives, in a bid to bully her out of bringing sex-assault charges, her lawyer claims.”  Where are arrests of the other cops that showed up?  I was bullied and threatened and lied about where the arrests including of Joe Tacopina who is never denied he is behind the con threat to bury me to destroy me to see the tables turned on me that I forwarded to the detective squad and they acted on it with top brass Ray Kelly, Campisi, Pulaski even more so misogynist Boyce, Bratton and James O’Neill protecting!!!!

“They came with nine cops to intimidate her and her mom, to discourage them from coming forward and reporting the rape and sex assault,” Michael David, who represents the accuser, Anna Chambers, told The Post.
One officer in particular questioned Chambers’ story at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, where she had gone with her mom for a rape kit on Sept. 15 around 10:45 p.m., hours after the alleged rape and sexual assault, the lawyer said.”

(note I mostly can’t access the NY Post on Safari on my phone.  I had to use an  alternative Search engine to read this article)

Like  my case how many other victims were not allowed to come forward I was threatened with false arrest and on Saturday with a hole in my retina what else with a fabricated would I still be on Rikers Island now what I’ve been sexually violated raped at the precinct?   Eric Garner Describe sexual assault and they planted drugs on him?  Why did NYPD Volpe do what he did to Abner Louima?  Not one cop in the precinct Call the internal affairs just like my case the precinct did nothing    How many other cases?

DI Ed Winski made crimes dissapear including NYPD crimes so did Campidi and Reznick  

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@errollouis Turn broken windows back on cops NYPD Internal Affairs Top Brass on down Protect GANG of NYPD Intimidate Teen Raped by Detectives 9 cops at hospital, my case NYPD IA gangs acted on cunt threat turn tables allege by Tacopina /sock puppet, etc goal 0 Crimes…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Zachary Carter NYPD Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill protected me being threatened bullied similar to NYPD Rape Detectives like my Case gang joined in intimidation lies so sick standard for NYPD make crimes including their own vanish or try too…
You can bet James O’Neill and Boyce terrible Misogynist aren’t going to ask for the names of the seven cops that join the NYPD rape detectives at the hospital 20 minutes teenager just like they cover up and protect detectives and supervisors from the 1st Precinct in my case!

Like my Case Intimidation goes on all the time to make cases go away so the police commissioner whether it’s Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill  can lie and say crime is down and  Cover a very serious crimes plenty of them are based on racism and I include anti-Semitism in racism as well as usually misogyny how many women have been picked off by NYPD raped or trans women? 

Nine cops show up at the hospital to intimidate a teenager have they been arrested no just the two NYPD raped detectives who kidnapped her what about the other cops that showed up what about internal affairs  who has protected all those cops that showed up to intimidate a teen aged kidnapped rape IA just do not want to arrest their own they cover up just like my case in my case they had like Ku Klux Klan members as a broke laws at their desk lying and police reports fabricating a mutual salt when it was second-degree assault menacing of force cross-complaint a signed letter to Detective Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me warning me to not come back and file second-degree assault charges signed off on by Lt Burgos; Sgt Chen as guilty as is Di Ed Winski and Top Brass.  

 Former NYPD asked an NYPD officer from the 1st Precinct why did they do this to me and his responses because I’m a ball buster so they were willing to break laws because of a misogynist hatred of me but what about the doctors office you have a woman who think she’s a bouncer she is crazy violent and a liar and she and a group lie to save her job she’s a Euge liability and she sitting at that desk and there’s no doubt that Joe Tacopina is a 100 percent guilty he has not denied that he is Bob Dobalina Cunt threat and Chad Seigel as Charles Ward 

NYPD PC Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O’Neill acted on a misogynist Hate Crime Threat Joe Tacopina Has Never Denied Posting

misogynistnyc: Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill Horrific NYPD IA Crimes They Deserve No Pensions and All Cops Records Should Not Be Secret

Lt Angelo Burgos never Contacted me lied about me and police reports and went to subordinate gave me his NYPD email I emailed him asking for batch numbers and he didn’t answer but years later Friday the 13th 2015 when terrorist or mass murdering in Paris that morning at 5:30 he asked to be my LinkedIn friend!!!! Really sick harassment 

The detectives Dwyer and Vergona in my case are Facebook friends with the first couple ever reported to Internal Affairs PO Gene Schatz.

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@TheRevAl @MeekMill Joe Tacopina brags he got an Abner Louima Cop off, NYPD Rape cops off on his website, I allege Joe Tacopina broke laws as Bob Dobalina fake YouTube called me Cunt threatened to turn tables on me crooked NYPD detectives and bosses acted on threat!…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@PageSix @PageSixTV Page 6 forgot about Joe Tacopina bragging he got an Abner Louima cop off? Not 1 cop called IA. NYPD kings of sexual assault worst possibly Abner Louima almost sodomized to death. Joe Tacopina brags he got NYPD Rape cops off.

Dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks, Joe Tacopina, NYPD: Strategy of Lies and like Harvey Weinstein live in denial add Zachary Carter

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

NYPD James O’Neill has yet to resign for protecting misogynist hate crime threat my case

NYPD PC Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O’Neill acted on a misogynist Hate Crime Threat Joe Tacopina Has Never Denied Posting

Joe Tacopina Witness Tampering Aggravated Harassment NYPD Detectives Acted on Misogynist Hate Crime was it Joe with sock puppet

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
If Joe Tacopina, Chad Seigel, etc and Tara Joe’s Secretary I have on YouTube bragging to me #NYPD Rape cops will get off. If involved in the online threats, lies harassment during an open investigation and party to that letter my attacker sign threatening me I want them arrested!

I gave Joe heIl  for not understanding the First Amendment right so I’m alleging he fabricated the crazy stupid story to protect a lot of crimes and involves the First Amendment what I cherish and love and respect what a sicko if I’m right it’s him he belongs in jail

Thrse corrupt misogynists  all laughed at the misogynist narrative that Joe Tacopina oh I alleged out Tacopina but he’s never denied it wrote they get off on this just like they got off on using Ron Kuby‘s letter to pretend they were no crimes in there confident there Teflon Mike Harvey Weinstein thought he was Teflon, like Charlie Rose thought he was Teflon...

 It’s amazing to me that we have a misogynist take prime the top NYPD brass of acted on and we don’t have any arrests.

Suzannah B. Troy artist: NYPD Arrest Violent Men spreader vs Top Brass Protecting Dr Fagelman’s Violent Lying Attack Receptionist Will the NYPD IA Involved in my Case and Others Lose Their Pensions in 10 Years?

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Charlie Rose, Weinstein forced to step down but NYPD PC James O’Neill hasn’t for his role 3rd PC protecting misogynist Cunt threat to tur tables on me over 5yrs 0 arrests Joe Tacopina never denied he’s Bob Dobalina/ YouTube #NYPD acted on Hate Crime threat…

#NYPD PC Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O’Neill acted on a misogynist Hate Crime Threat Joe Tacopina Has Never Denied Posting as Bob Dobalina Cunt Threat turn tables on me DI Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Vergona/Dwyer acted on Boyce/Reznick/Campisi/Banks

NYPD Pete Rose Shockingly insensitive misogynist attitude on Rape gets him a promotion to Deputy Inspector The NYPD Way
Misogynist PC O’Neill prompted NYPD Capt Pete Rose 

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
NYPD James O’Neill has yet to resign for his role protecting misogynist hate crime my case and how many other cases? He just promoted Capt Pete Rose remember his shockingly ignorant misogynist comment on Rapes? #NYPD…

Joe Tacopina Brags he got an Abner Louima Cop off, Tacopina Misogynist Hate Crime me Threat Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O’Neill My Case

If I’m correct how far did Joe Tacopina go committing crimes interfering with an open investigation and scripting a false narrative for everyone involved in breaking laws from the doctors office to the police department and summing it up by saying I’m a fight picking cunt and he would see the tables turned on me he would bury me and destroy me but all these people are adults they could’ve turned him away he’s a heinous person who brag about getting an Abner Louima cop off, NYPD cops off, he went  on a major TV network and said that Anthony Weiner‘s account was hacked, he said Vanderstel was not guilty and Vanderstel he went and killed another young woman and threw her away like garbage and Joe supported violence where I was treated like garbage and I was violated and then he twisted it we’re only a moron would believe his twisted false narrative with overwhelming evidence he lied if I’m correct it was him my attacker the NYPD lied and police reports I have audio of the NYPD turning me away I have so much evidence internal fares preventing me from due process refusing evidence using Ron Kuby‘s letter to pretend there no crime And they protected my attacker’s signed letter to Detective Andrew Dwyer another serious crime and her letter another open threat that mirrors the cunt threat by Bob Dobalina who Joe Tacopina has never denied. 

NY State Ethics Committee Another fake committee has my complaint and they are aware Joe Tacopina has not denied it but they’re not gonna do anything about it.

NYPD PC Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O’Neill acted on a misogynist Hate Crime Threat Joe Tacopina Has Never Denied Posting as Bob Dobalina Cunt Threat 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

NYPD Misogyny, Racism, Corruption, Internal Affairs Complicity My Case, Countless Cases Could Lose Top NYPD IA Brass Pensions?

NYPD prevent  MTA Subway Man Spreader like my case but mine far worse —- I was at doctors office where your human rights, patient rights should be protected.  Sadist Coward Joe Tacopina I allege joined in with corrupt NYPD that broke laws...

Three New York City police commissioners have protected crimes in my case so the longer takes and it’s been over five years  maybe by then the law will be past that if you’re New York City government employee and you break the law you lose your pension so the one benefit of all these years over five years however long it takes is by the time I get justice that will hopefully be in effect and they will lose their pensions!!!!

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Top #NYPD, Internal Affairs, DA, Zachary Carter protecting crimes yrs later could all lose their pensions as victims as a group get Justice; routinely protecting crimes including NYPD IA etc Crimes…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Ray Kelly, Campisi, Reznick, NYPD Boyce, NYPD Ed Winski my case if 10 yrs from now Justice hope they lose pensions…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Future: #NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer, Vergona, Sgt Chen, Det Tommy Moran, PO Schatz, Lt Agnese could lose pensions?…

The good news is the few New York city voters that did turn out, voted  they want New York City government Employees to lose their pensions if they’re caught committing crimes so since the police department and internal affairs  chose to cover up crimes rather by the time I get this in front a new (and I hope permanent) commission into NYPD IA DA corruption perhaps everyone involved in breaking the laws in my case and other cases from the NYPD IA DA Corp Counsel etc nyc Gov employees that protected the crimes well hopefully lose their pensions and I’d like to see them go to jail  including top brass must’ve been doing fixing in favors and retaliation went all the way down the chain and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one 

*I filed an ethical complaint against Joe Tacopina in NYS Supreme Court ethics commission and Joe has not denied charges,
Cc:, "" 
Subject: Suzannah B. Troy artist: NYPD IA Prevented Me from reporting Crimes Not news v Woman Punched by Manspreader Rebufffed by NYPD News.  Audio my case turned away and more
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPD1Pct .@NYPDONeill 01 DI Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Vergona, Det Andy Dwyer, PO Schatz, Det Moran misogynist club woman NYPD PO Magori or Migori w/ Sgt Chen prevents me from reporting crime audio u hear me call CO Winski, IA, CCRB IA protected all crime

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPD1Pct .@NYPDONeill 01 DI Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Vergona, Det Andy Dwyer, PO Schatz, Det Moran misogynist club woman NYPD PO Magori or Migori w/ Sgt Chen prevents me from reporting crime audio u hear me call CO Winski, IA, CCRB IA protected all crime

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from my iPhone

Google Dr Fagelman assault. My body my patient rights repeatedly violated and then they thought they could pull a Harvey Weinstein with NYPD’s help except Harvey was not involved in the woman the violated me she’s not a mogul but her employer is a rich empty urologist who decided patient rights don’t apply to Dr. Vine’s patients at the dermatologist I was seeing.

Is Jim Hoffer like media in the film Spotlight covering up for pedophike priests see the fun, media, judges, cops etc. NYC, NYS, NYPD and NYC Gov, Eric Garner handwritten lawsuit, my case so many others not news why?  No newspaper Will let you read Eric’s hand written lawsuit in his own words because the NYPD and the media have a special relationship just like the Church in the film Spotlight the stories are murdered or killed

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYCinvestigates @ABC7NY 01 Sgt. Chen Det Squad supervisor violates protocol won’t let me report False Cross Complaint Turned call CO, IA, CCRB! Sex crime unit won’t let me report sex assault coerced dropped charges media blacked out

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NBCNewYork My case NYPD and Internal Affairs acted on misogynist cunt threat online I allege by Joe Tacopina as Bob Dobalina. Joe crowns his website w/ Abner Louima bragging he got an NYPD cop off and NYPD rape cops off.

Attack occurred Monday Oct 1, 2012 
Oct 7, 2012 Sunday night 7:30 pm Bob Dobalina in his mentally unbalanced threats to bury me and destroy me — the sicko my guess Joe Tacopina  he writes a false narrative that I’m trespassing when in fact I’m a patient and I wasn’t trespassing was trying to get my doctor and I was being interfered with in fact a note I wrote her was stolen and she never got it another way my patient rights were violated but it’s interesting because there’s another fake account on yelp with another false narrative about the video and it comes up last week and I’m not able to explain it all so I’d like to know if it’s Joe Tacopina and who else Chad Seigel as Charles Ward and how about Tara, Joe’s Secretary who I have on YouTube she told me she follows my YouTube channel when I was protesting outside the offices for comparing the NYPD Rape victims vagina to a venus flytrap.  

 She told me how she watches my YouTube channel and she bragged at the NYPD Rape  cops were going to get off I caught it on video and I called newspapers media because the jury hadn’t even begun to deliberate they hadn’t made a decision but somehow here I have run video saying they’re going to walk.

The NYPD detectives  1st Precinct detective squad and supervisors acted on a misogynist take crime Nathan protected for over five years by three police commissioners two heads of internal fares and two chiefs of detectives all misogynist who treated me like a rape victim but I got what I deserved when I didn’t.

The NYPD  lied in bait and switch to zero crimes falsified  police reports downgraded second-degree assault menacing in the sexual salt zero crimes along with the false cross complaint and multiple threats to me including by the NYPD detective John Vergona who threatened me over the phone, Tacopina and Seigel on line if I am correct  it was them using fake accounts —-  my attacker sign letter threatening me openly threatening me to Detective Andrew Dwyer signed off on by Lieutenant Burgos — Her letter is so stupid only Joe Tacopina could’ve written it it it knowledges she committed second-degree assault and I could come back and file those charges except one thing the NYPD weren’t going to let me report any crimes they were going to fix everything to teach me a lesson so they committed more crimes, coercion threatening a victim with false arrest and less I drop charges I had a hole in my retina and cervical damage massive floaters in both eyes because she jerked my head back-and-forth as I held onto my bags my arm was numb I had a swollen Achilles’ tendon the right tendon severe,  I had painful injections in both knees a synthetic cartilage I had problems with my toes touching the ground and was getting physical therapy for that and neck problems and I wasn’t allowed to be a patient because the misogynist corrupt evil NYPD we’re going to treat me like a rape victim that got what she deserved so filled with hatred they were willing to break laws and internal affairs protected all crimes.  

To:,,,, Office Of Mayor Deputy shorris ,
Subject: Fwd: Police Athletic Leage Donation

I was naïve about the supposed good police I had donated money,( typo I) a signed New York Rangers puck etc.

Many People (typo warmed) warned me NYPD Corrupt not a few bad apples.

3 police commissioners were going to protect very serious crimes including NYPD and 1st Precinct acting on a misogynist take crime probably by Joe Tacopina my guess

My guess Joe Tacopina fabricated Delita Hooks false narrative which first appears in Bob Dobalina lawyer fake sock puppet account that the coward deleted when I asked is this witness tampering and witness tampering????  Tacopina crowns hawebsite with Abner Louima bragging he got an NYPD cop off and Zachary Carter in my case is protecting NYPD IA crimes including acting on a misogynist hate crime threat by Bob Dobalina aka Joe Tacopina.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Suzannah
Date: February 8, 2012 at 1:46:06 PM EST
To: @palnyc
Subject: Re: Police Athletic Leage Donation

Sorry.  Can't make it.  I love PAL and good NYPD!!!! (2017 makes me nauseous had no pain idea how criminal corrupt NYPD Internal Affairs were and are!)

Thank you!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 8, 2012, at 1:34 PM,> wrote:

Dear Suzannah,

Thank you for your recent gift of $250 to the PAL! I just wanted to confirm with you quickly that it was not for the upcoming Business Luncheon on March 6th?  Could you please let me know as soon as possible if the gift was, in fact, for the Business Luncheon featuring Maurice Greenberg so I can reserve you a seat?

Warm wishes,

Donor Associate
Police Athletic League, Inc.

* vs Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel threatening to sue me with Chad Seigel if I didn’t remove my complaint Involving their treatment of the NYPD rate victim in court misogynist hateful treatment so there you go there was a threat of retaliation just like in my attacker’s signed letter in response to Ron Kuby, my guess ghost written by Joe Tacopina addicted to threatening people intimidation in my case during an open investigation that’s a crime that’s enough to get you disbarred and arrested threatening a victim during an open investigation but if I’m correct he did more than that didn’t he and he wasn’t alone